Analytical Facilities

X-ray Techniques

 Technique  Analytical Charges in Rs.
 Powder X-ray diffraction (regular scan)(15 min)  2000/- per sample
 Powder X-ray diffraction (regular scan) high end machine (30 min scan) (Model No)  15 min: 3000/- sample 30 min: 5000/-sample
 Powder X-ray diffraction (regular scan) -2D scan  5000/- per sample
 Powder X-ray diffraction - 1 hour scan  6000/- per hr.
 Powder XRD -HT  10000/- up to 4 temp/15min
 Crystal structure interpretation and report  5000/-sample
 VT-PXRD using Single Crystal XRD instrument  3000/-temp
 VT-SCXRD (90 K - 500K)  5000/-hour/temp
 Single Crystals development by crystallization  5000-10,000/-sample depending on the number of crystallization trials
 Single Crystal XRD (small molecule)  5000/- hrs

 Single Crystal XRD (small molecule)

 (Phase identification by unit cell measurement)

 Rs. 5000/- per sample
 Single Crystal XRD (crystal structure determination/analysis) (small molecule)  Rs. 15000-30000/- sample depending on the complexity and disorder modelling
 Single crystal XRD (macromolecule)  5000/- hr.
 Crystal structure analusis of protein crystals  Contact us
 SAXS  7500/- sample
 3D X-ray Micro-computed Tomography (micro-CT)  Rs 20,000/- per sample for imaging + additional Rs 5000/- per sample for analysis
 XRF  Rs 1500/- per sample