Ph.D. Research
CSIR offers Junior and Senior Research Fellowships (JRFs and SRFs) to enable students to pursue a Ph.D. degree. Students in the Science Disciplines can qualify for these fellowships via the CSIR examinations ? these are national examinations held twice a year and are announced in all the major newspapers including Employment News. For queries regarding these fellowships or the CSIR examination, please contact Dr. A. A. Arbale (Co-ordinator, CSIR - UGC SRF Exam Unit, Chair- Human Resource Management Unit, NCL, Pune - 411008). For engineering students, qualification for the JRF is via GATE. NCL scientists offer collaborative doctoral projects with faculty at ICT, Mumbai and IIT, Mumbai and selection of Engineering-JRFs is done at these centers. Engineering students with a Bachelors degree and a valid GATE score are eligible to apply for an Engineering-JRF, while students having an M.E. or M.Tech. should apply for an SRF. Students have to qualify for award of either a JRF or an SRF to work towards their doctoral degree at NCL.
In order to pursue research at NCL as a doctoral student, you need to 1) Qualify for fellowships/ scholarships from the CSIR, UGC, DBT or ICMR and 2) Decide a subject and find a research advisor of interest to you. For admission to the Ph.D. programme, NCL invites applications twice a year normally after the result of CSIR - UGC Net examination. Before registering for Ph.D degree the student has to undergo the rigorous course work. Click Here to download guidelines to Ph.D admission.