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Bio-chemical and Biological Engineering


Biochemical and Biological Engineering at NCL encompasses a range of basic and applied research activities from stochastic modelling of individual intracellular reactions to development of industrial fermentation processes. Some of the representative research activities are experimental and computational studies on downstream processing of fermentation products, microbial strain and fermentation process development, algal and mammalian cell culture process development, intracellular metabolism and high-throughput measurement; theoretical/computational studies of genome-wide protein-DNA interactions and their implications, metabolic and signal transduction pathway dynamics, pattern formation, drug distribution, pharmacodynamics, and disease spread kinetics; and data-based analyses using high-throughput and protein structure/interaction data.

Contact Person

Nene Dr. S. N.

CSIR - National Chemical Laboratory,
Dr. Homi Bhabha Road ,

Pune 411 008 India
Email :- Show Email
Phone :- +91-20-25902347

Search Profile


Dr. Mahesh D. Patil

Scientist: Chemical Engineering & Process Development
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Area Of Expertise:- Biocatalysis; Biosynthesis; BioTechnology; Biotransformation; Microbiology

Dr. Mahesh J Kulkarni

Senior Principal Scientist: Biochemical Sciences Division
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Area Of Expertise:- Analytical Chemistry; BioTechnology; Chemical Biology; Proteomics

Goyal Dr. Parveen

Senior Scientist: Biochemical Sciences Division
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Area Of Expertise:- BioTechnology; Proteomics; Structural Biology

Sarkar, Dr. R. R.

Senior Principal Scientist: Chemical Engineering & Process Development
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Area Of Expertise:- Bioinformatics; Chemical and Reactor Engineering; Chemical Biology; Multi-scale modeling; Structural Biology

Thulasiram, Dr. H. V.

Principal Scientist: Organic Chemistry
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Area Of Expertise:- Biocatalysis; Bioorganic Chemistry; Biosynthesis; Chemical Biology; Organic Synthesis