Grievance Redressal

Procedure for redressal of Grievances


(1) Stage I-Verbal representation to Sectional Head/Group Leader:

  1. An aggrieved employee may present his grievance verbally in person to his Sectional Head/Group Leader within 7 working days from the date on which the cause of grievance or complaint arose or took place.
  2. The Sectional Head/Group Leader will give his verbal reply to employee within 7 working days from the date of receipt of verbal complaint.

(2) Stage II- Application to Personnel Officer/Officer nominated for the purpose

  1. If the aggrieved employee is not satisfied with the verbal reply of the Sectional Head/Group Leader or if he fails to receive any verbal reply from the Sectional Head/Group Leader within the stipulated period of 7 working days, he may submit an application stating his grievances in Grievance Form-I, prescribed in Appendix-I, in duplicate, to the Personnel Officer/Officer nominated for the purpose, within a period of 21 working days from the date on which the cause of grievance arose or took place.
  2. Head of the Laboratory/Institute/Personnel Officer, Central Office, may, at his discretion, relax this time limit by a period not exceeding 7 working days where he is satisfied that there are genuine reasons due to which the employee could not submit his grievance within the stipulated time limit of 21 working days.
  3. All such grievances shall be acknowledged and entered in the Grievance Register maintained for the purpose, in Form-III, prescribed in Appendix-III, by the Personnel Officer/Officer nominated for the purpose. He will send one copy of the application to the Sectional Head/Group Leader for his report and return of the same within 3 working days. The Personnel Officer/Officer nominated for the purpose will also make necessary enquiries from the Sectional Head/Group Leader of the employee and give reply to the employee within 10 working days of the date of receipt of grievance in Grievance Form I. The duplicate copy of Grievance Form-I, duly completed and filled in, will be maintained as office record.

(3) Stage III- Application to Grievance Committee

  1. If the employee is not satisfied with the decision communicated to him by the Personnel Officer/Officer nominated for the purpose or fails to receive a reply within the stipulated period, he may present his grievance to the Grievance Committee in Grievance Form-II, prescribed in Appendix-II, in duplicate, within 10 working days of receipt of reply by him at Stage II or failure to receive any reply, as the case may be, stating the reason why he is not satisfied with the reply received by him at Stage-II.
  2. On receipt of written grievance application, in duplicate, in Grievance Form-II, the Secretary of the Grievance Committee, shall acknowledge receipt of the application and enter it in the Grievance; Register maintained for the purpose, and send one copy of the application to the "Competent Authority' for his perusal and action and for return-with comments to the Secretary within 10 working days. The Competent Authority in this respect will be that authority who can have the grievance redressed.
  3. The Secretary shall submit to the Grievance Committee all applications of grievances received in Grievance Form-II irrespective of whether any reply has been received from the "Competent Authority'' referred to hereinbefore. Where such comments have been received, these shall also be submitted for consideration of the Grievance Committee along with the grievance applications.
  4. The Grievance Committee shall consider the grievance in detail and for the purpose may call the aggrieved employee for discussion or for presentation of further facts. The Grievance Committee shall also take into account the comments of the " Competent Authority and obtain such further clarification from him as may be deemed necessary; Thereafter, decision shall be taken by the Grievance Committee on the grievance before it. The decision shall be in conformity with the relevant Byelaws, Rules and Regulations of CSIR in force.
  5. In the event of unanimous decision of the Grievance Committee, the decision of the Committee along with all the relevant papers shall be placed before the Director/Chief or Head nominated for the purpose by DGSIR.
  6. Normally, the Director/Chief or Head nominated for the purpose by the DGSIR should endeavour to accept and implement the unanimous decision of the Grievance Committee, provided that the said decisions are not in violation of Bye-laws, Rules and Regulations of CSIR in force, do not have implications on identical issues in other Labs. /Instts. /Central Office etc., are within the powers of Director/Director-General, as the case may be, to authorise such implementations and are not otherwise incorrect or unacceptable.
  7. If, however, Director/Chief or Head nominated for the purpose by DGSIR finds that the unanimous decisions of the Grievance Committee are in violation of the byelaws, rules & regulations of CSIR in force or have implications on identical issues in other Labs. /Instts. /Central Office etc. or are not within the powers of Director/Director-General as the case may be, to authorise its implementation or is otherwise incorrect or unacceptable he shall call a meeting of the Grievance Committee and shall discuss the case with the Grievance Committee in this meeting. He may also call the aggrieved employee for discussion. Thereafter, the Director/Chief or head nominated for the purpose by the DGSIR shall decide the case as he may deem fit and he shall record his decision giving his views and reasons in detail.
  8. In the event of difference of opinion, among the members of Grievance Committee, the views of the members along with all the relevant papers, shall be placed before the Director/Chief or Head nominated for the purpose by DGSIR and he shall decide the case as he may deem fit and he shall, record his decision giving his views and reasons in detail.
  9. The final decision of the Director/Chief or Head nominated for the purpose by Director General shall be communicated to the aggrieved employee in writing. If the employee is still not satisfied with the decision of the Director/Chief or the Head nominated for the purpose by DGSIR, he shall have the right to appeal to the Director General, SIR, within 30 working days from the date of receipt of decision of Director/Chief or Head nominated for the purpose, by DGSIR.